Uluru comes to Canberra

Opened: Sep 2022

In 2022, our team completed production on a prestigious large-screen film for the National Museum of Australia, focused on the features and stories of Uluru – and its significance for Anangu and visitors alike. 

“We would highly recommend this team; [their] thoughtful collaboration has been crucial to bringing the Museum’s vision to [the] gallery.” National Museum of Australia, Canberra 

New films for Anangu elders

Opened: Aug 2022

We have produced 1-2 hours of video material from Uluru and its surrounds – relaxing, comforting and evocative scenes and vignettes – created for Anangu elders at a new, specially designed venue at the ARRCS Aged Care facility in Mutitjulu.

“I have worked on various projects with David for the past five years and have always found his local knowledge invaluable in recognising exactly what is required from any brief. I have, at times been required to work with other media companies with very mixed results whereas David is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure content authenticity and purpose. His appreciation and respect for this land and its people imbues his work with a legitimacy I have not found anywhere else.”  Manager, Mutitjulu Aged Care and Community Services

Uluru on the giant screen

Trailer launch: 2025

With a trailer to be completed in 2025, with one of the highest resolution cameras in the world, this spectacular and immersive film will finally bring Uluru, in all its majesty, to giant screens in Australia and around the world.

“Working with Uluru Pictures has been the best possible experience. Their knowledge and understanding of Uluru – and of the wildlife and people who live there – is unrivalled.” Pawel Achtel ACS – giant screen cinematographer; GSCA Board of Directors; ACS/IMAGO/GSCA Technical Committee member

Uluru feature film

In production: 1 x 80 minutes [and 1 x 55-minutes]
Release: 2025

A feature-length film for TV & cinema for the world’s major broadcasters and special cinema venues.

A “blue-chip” film, partially shot in 8K resolution and produced in 4K for TV and cinema screens, about the wildlife and landscapes of Uluru and the culture of Anangu, this film follows the lives of individual animals through spectacular seasonal changes.

Uluru story

In production: 1 x 50 minutes
Launch: 2025 (40th Anniversary of “Handback”)

A TV documentary that tells the story of Uluru since it was first encountered by European settlers. Shot over 10 years, for release on the 40th Anniversary of Handback in 2025, this is a unique social documentary that charts the changes in attitude towards Uluru over half a century … a retelling and updating of the classic “Anangu story” – and a story of the history of Australia itself.

Uluru teams

TV series: 6 x 30 minutes

A real-life TV series about Uluru, following the stories of six people – Anangu, rangers, footy players – through one year at Uluru.

Uluru online

Launch: 2024

A comprehensive online platform for Uluru, including maps, guides and an extraordinary range of high-quality video content about the people, wildlife and landscapes of Uluru and its surrounds.

Health promotion videos

Uluru Pictures is helping protect the health and wellbeing of all Anangu through the production of key health messages that are accessible to Anangu. Our first short ads were completed in June 2021 as part of a campaign initiated by Uluru Pictures to increase the take-up of COVID vaccinations – at that time, at a dangerously low level.

We continue to liaise with key stakeholders and raise funds for the development of further health promotion videos with themes to include COVID, vaccinations, diabetes, healthy lifestyles and medical procedures.